Information for all Queen's Edge tutors and providers.

All tutors and providers of the Queen's Edge programme must familiarise themselves with the following information.

  1. Tutors are responsible for preparing their lesson plans and providing all necessary equipment and materials.
  2. Classrooms are equipped with whiteboards and HDMI cables for displaying screens. However, QMC does not provide computers to external providers.
  3. A map of the College and a list of students registered for your class will be emailed to you prior to the commencement of classes.
  4. All classes must be conducted on the QMC campus; trips and outings are not permitted as part of the Queen's Edge programme.
  5. Upon completion of your class, please ensure that the space or classroom is returned to its original state.
  6. Tutors are expected to arrange for an alternative tutor in the event of sickness or holidays. Any substitute tutor must also undergo Police vetting. In the case of an emergency cancellation of a booked class, a make up day or alternative day and time will be agreed upon and offered to registered students.
  7. A professional standard of dress is required; tutors should not wear jeans or jandals and should ensure that their shoulders are covered.
  8. All provider partners must comply with QMC codes of conduct and policies. Please refer to the QMC Terms and Conditions.
  9. You are required to sign in at Reception each time you visit and are on the College grounds. This is for your safety in the event of an emergency.
  10. To ensure the viability and quality of our courses, a minimum number of student enrollments is required. If the minimum enrollment is not met, the course may be subject to cancellation for the term. We strive to provide timely notice of any cancellations to allow for adjustments in your schedule. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining the high standards of our educational offerings.

If you have any questions or would like to become one of our expert tutors, please contact our Queen’s Edge administrator, Lisa McPherson, by email at or call Reception at +64 4 473 7160.