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Biology Dissection | For Years 7-13

Location: C12

Carry out a supervised hands-on dissection to explore some of the structures that combine together to make an eye work.

Book Biology Dissection

Beebots Coding | For Years 1-2

Location: W16

Explore digital technology and coding through the use of Beebots. This educational robot is a perfect starting point for teaching directional language and programming to young children.

Book Beebots Coding

Digital STEM in Action | For Years 3-5

Location: W15

Use your Literacy and Mathematic skills to complete a challenge using robotics.

Book STEM in Action

STEM Workshop | For Years 4-6

Location: A2

Be creative and have fun learning about the important job of bumblebees. Explore the relationship between sound and vibration and create a model that demonstrates “buzz pollination”!

Book STEM Workshop

Open Door Sessions

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Technology | All ages

Location: W3

Time: 10.30am - 1pm

Come and see examples of student work alongside live demonstrations of Robotics, Electronics, ePro8 Engineering work, 3D printing and laser cutting. There will also be take away gifts for visitors in the form of a personalized QMC Keyring or a 3D printed ‘twisler’. The former will involve visitors using the laser cutter with Mr Knuckey and Mr Ram.

This is a non-bookable walk in session

To participate, please head to the location during the times above!

Physics | All ages

Location: C11
Time: 10.30am - 1pm

Toys all rely on physics to work. Drop in to discover the fascinating and surprising things that happen with simple toys and learn the science behind them.

This is a non-bookable walk in session

To participate, please head to the location during the times above!

Chemistry | All ages

Location: W12
Time: 10.30am - 1pm

Drop in to try your hand at being a chemistry detective. Can you identify the mystery chemicals? Also see some fun chemical reactions that do some surprising things!

This is a non-bookable walk in session.

To participate, please head to the location during the times above!